1. Encountering the risen Jesus
The chapters of this book are a reworking and expansion of some contemplative prayer services that were live-streamed in the 2021 Easter season. They weave together the accounts of different characters who encounter the risen Jesus, from that first Easter morning, through to the day of Pentecost.
A chapter will be shared each week starting Easter Sunday, 2023 (9th April).
You can access the contents page by clicking here
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2. Random reflections
These are a series of Ignatian reflections that are in the same style as the Easter ones. Wherever you are on your faith journey, I hope they help you to connect with God in new ways.
… The desire to see him became overwhelming… he was so near… I thought I’d never get another chance and didn’t want to miss out. I wanted to see him… and, perhaps more importantly for me at that time, I wanted to see this strange group of followers with him...Losing Jesus
...I remember the sense of mounting panic when we couldn’t find him. All the time I was telling myself, ‘Don’t be daft, he’s God’s son, he’ll be fine.’ But that didn’t stop my fear growing...